2025 will be a year of great impact for humanity.
We have therefore chosen to shift the upcoming 6 week Temple Training in Samothraki to the auspicious time portal between the Wesak full moon on May 12th and the Summer Solistice on June 21st, 2025.
NOTE: Arrival is encouraged a week earlier but at the latest by May 11th in order to stabilise our group field for the incoming energies during the Wesak full moon portal.
In-person 6 weeks training
Samothraki Island Greece
affiliated with Highden Temple New Zealand.
The first step is filling in the APPLICATION FORM:
click here to access the application form
ANCIENT LEGENDS speak about Samothraki being an island beyond time and space. Anyone who has traveled here can confirm you leave the noise of the world behind and step into a different realm. As temples of transformation reemerge around the planet, the Mysteries of Samothraki are calling, feeling our prayers and responding with readiness to welcome awakening souls here.
COME poets, artists, musicians, creators of all kinds. COME adventurers, lovers of mysteries, rebels, misfits and catalysts of change, activists of sacred awakening. COME fallen angels and rising devils, midwives, shamans and dervishes, womb awakeners, priests, followers of the longing heart. COME mystics, witches, dreamers of the new culture. COME those committed to awakening, to leadership. COME unfold your love, gifts and power within the body of soul community. YOU are the leadership of the New Dawn
This is an invitation to travel into the unknown, leaving anything behind that is not love. Joyfully following the guidance of life as it unfolds through us and breaks us apart at the seams, we travel the unmapped territories of our soul into the vast presence of the One Heart.
THE PURPOSE OF THE TEMPLE TRAINING is Soul Initiation for those participating, and activating living temples to embody templates of new culture. You become part of a live-in field vibrating the culture of a contemporary Mystery School (leadership, magic and soul initiation) in relationship with the ancient Mysteries of Samothraki. We will share transmissions, practices and embodied experiences while exploring ecstatic soul community life. This isn’t a bottled formula; it’s a living medicine where you are part of creation. As a group we will move through initiatory portals of spirit, soul and body together, tracking the path, making meaning and opening the way for generations to come.
This INITIATION is for moving identification from personality to soul and landing fully into the life you were born for. You will know by the sense of a calling if you are to be here. This initiation container tends to attract those who are sensing the deeper energies emerging in themselves and the planet and have resisted getting distracted by polarization.
THIS LIVING TEMPLE EXPERIENCE is grounded in the body through collective ritual and deep immersions into nature and the mysteries of this mythical island. Our extended venue embraces the waterfalls, un-spoilt beaches, oak forests, thermal waters, the rawness of the mountain, the majesty of the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, and the beauty of secret sacred places of Samothraki. We can practice as in the days of Pythagoras under olive trees, roam the mountain, streams and ponds and muse with magical tree beings. We will have a home base at Mariva hotel situated between two rivers in Therma near hot springs, and other temple spaces in ancient nature sites, and at Chrysostomos, home of the golden word on the shoreline near the Temple of the Great Gods.
We will be spending times close to the land with the opportunity to journey/sleep in special places in nature.
SOUL INITIATION is the process of shifting your center of gravity to the eternal being that was born to live your life. It involves releasing your personality’s survival mechanisms and falling deeper into the core of this being, the living expression of love and freedom that you are. The soul now shines through the garment of personality, integrating it instead of being hidden by its structure. We call this soul shine.
This six week temple training is an environment to support your soul shine to emerge in a sustained and lasting way. It will cost your life as you know it, all the love you can bring and a commitment to the evolution of the planet. And ultimately the willingness to be nothing so you can embrace everything. All traditions inevitably point towards the dark core, the emptiness, the void from which everything emerges, and which is inside all matter. Here we practice holding the power of this dark fire of transformation at the centre of everything we do, integrating love through the three rings of spirit, soul and embodiment.
We embark on this journey of Soul Initiation at a remarkable time for humanity. Much of the known order is changing. We approach the Emerging Now with Joy and expect the unexpected.
Attending the Temple Training requires three things of you.
1. FOLLOW YOUR HEART - and an inner calling to be available in service to the world through the deepest part of you. This is about initiation into the core of life, not just tribal belonging.
2. OPEN YOUR HEART - and make a real commitment of time, energy and money to the process. This includes preparation work for the journey and clearing commitments for the six weeks. The weekends are your own time, everything else is unpredictable.
3. OFFER YOUR HEART - and be willing to live the fullest expression of your soul sovereignty while at the same time consenting in full surrender to the mystery that dances us all.
This is a practice of deep listening, to ourselves, to the group and to life, while holding the dark fire of transformation at the center of the field. It’s a pathless path navigated by adventurous souls who together form one body. Each of us deeply committed to our own alignment and to the awakening of the group.
This is a living experience of group soul - weaving the source code of spiritual, creative and ecstatic community. The erotic life of the living temple, the shamanic vibration of the body, and alignment with spirit are central to the forging of group soul.
The CONTENT will focus on five major areas, while the real teaching is Life itself:
Awareness - meditation, cosmology, astrology, seven rays, soul fusion, the Void
Creativity - unique self & life purpose, synergy, money and the economics of love
Eros - life force activation, polarity & magnetism, tantric sexuality, magic & ritual
Community - love & relationship, group soul & group initiation, living as organism
Earth - shamanism, earth energies, working with devas, planetary kundalini, initiations & ceremonies, archetypal theatre.
WEEKENDS are a special time during the Temple Training, a chance to open into nature, play, share-space or have downtime, integration, solitude, or adventure.
You can leave home base and have time away, or stay onsite. Your tuition covers 6 weeks accommodation and catering Monday to Friday. Weekends you free flow and fend for yourself. Kitchen is available.
Samothraki has been a place of initiation since ancient times. Older than the Greek and Roman Empire, the Cabeirian Mysteries have attracted people from the Mediterranean and beyond to shed the skin of their personality in the presence of the wild gods of this island. Many of the ancient heroes and demi-gods were taking part in the rite; Jason and the Argonauts, as well as Orpheus. Alexander the Great was conceived here during the initiation. Our work will include tuning into the current fragrance of these mysteries and expressing the images received through ritual and sacred theatre.
What is Soul Initiation: https://www.brucelyon.com/post/what-is-soul-initiation
Landing The Temples: https://www.brucelyon.com/.../landing-the-temples-and...
Participation in the Samothraki Temple Training is by APPLICATION. It is suitable for those who feel significantly on a path of soul work and liberation through both consciousness and embodiment. Graduation from programs such as ISTA (International School of Temple Arts, Spiritual, Sexual Shamanic Initiation), is a good preparation for this work. However we will accept applicants on the basis of an intuitive sense of synergy and alignment with the purpose of soul initiation. It is not a therapy program.
STEP ONE. Fill out the application form, best to do this once you feel called as it starts a process of getting to know each other to see if there is a fit:
click here to access the application form.
STEP TWO. If accepted commit with payment. You can pay in installments if it helps you.
Enquiries to: samothraki.temple@gmail.com
EUR 5.500 : Regular price
EUR 6.000: Abundance price. Funds received above EUR5000 will recirculate to support people on lower incomes to attend. Please INVOLVE YOUR HEART in the decision of what you pay.
EUR 5.000: Some places available. Apply for this if genuinely needing financial support
Includes tuition, accommodation, and catering 5 days a week.
SUBSIDY FUND CALL. We want to make this initiatory journey as accessible as possible to those who are really called to it, and we recognise the imbalance of global economics. If you feel drawn to support and can donate funds to support participants from low economies contact us directly: samothraki.temple@gmail.com
Are you called to return to the temple training?
Returning to TTT means deepening into yourself, deepening into intimacy with the mystery of the unknown, and living as a transmission of the one life/one heart.
We invite people who want a living practice of orienting themselves toward the empty centre, deepening their self-initiation, and transmitting their essence to awaken the participants and the global temple.
Places are limited and by application. If you feel this could be for you contact samothraki.temple@gmail.com
May 12 - June 21, 2025
We encourage you to come some days before the training starts to settle in and open your heart to this extraordinary island. Weather is typically sweet here into November. There will likely be an ongoing co-living creative immersion beginning in November following the temple training.
This training is facilitated by Rex Rafiq, Ashisha Arpana and team.